90 minutes & HD Football Live Streaming


Internet service provider 90 Minutes provides a platform that only shows links to audiovisual content that is hosted on third-party servers and produced or transmitted by third parties. 90minutes.online neither hosts nor transmits any audiovisual content, and neither has any editorial or creative control over it. 90minutes.online is not responsible for any content that is transmitted by third parties. It is the hosts and transmitters of this content who bear any liability for it.

Clearly, 90minutes.online is concerned about claims that websites to which links on its website point make unlawful content available. 90minutes.online is willing to take action to delete links to illegal content if given the required notice, despite the fact that it is unable to actively monitor the content transmitted via third-party websites. 90minutes.online will as soon as possible remove any connections to illegal information from its website, but it cannot stop users from adding new links. 90minutes.online advises getting in touch with the owner of the website where the content was first published to prevent having a link updated after it has been taken down by 90minutes.online.

You can send a notice to the email or physical address mentioned below if you have found any links to illegal content or believe you will in the future. At a minimum, the notice must include the following details:

Identification of the allegedly illegal content as well as the justification for it. Without limitation, unlawful publications, invasions of privacy or moral rights, deceptive or unlawful advertising, violations of intellectual property rights, the disclosure of trade secrets, know-how, or other sensitive information, sexual or otherwise abusive content, and other illegal information are examples of illegal content.

identification of the website where the allegedly illegal content is located, at least the precise URL of the page, the time and date you found it, and a screenshot of the page where the allegedly illegal information is located;

The precise URL of the website on which the link is displayed, as well as the day and time you found the link to the allegedly illegal content, must be provided. Identification of the location of the link to the content that you say is illegal;

The precise URL of the website on which the link is displayed, as well as the day and time you found the link to the allegedly illegal content, must be provided. Identification of the location of the link to the content that you say is illegal;

Your name, street address, mailing address, phone number, and email address, as well as a declaration that reads:

that you firmly believe that the owner or its representative has not given their consent to the disputed use of the content;

If the disputed use is not exempt from copyright limitations or otherwise permitted by law, such as under the Sweden Copyright Act;

that you have asked the website’s owner to stop hosting, providing, or transmitting allegedly illegal content, or, if that wasn’t possible, explain why you were unable to get in touch with the owner directly;

that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of a right that is allegedly being infringed upon or otherwise abused, and under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notice is correct;

that you defend and hold harmless 90minutes.online, each of its affiliates, and each of their officers, directors, employees, agents, and successors from and against any and all liabilities, losses, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), damages, and other liabilities resulting from the notice;

You acknowledge and agree that the notice and all issues arising out of or related to it will be governed by the laws of Sweden, and that any disagreement will be ultimately and exclusively resolved in front of the appropriate court in Stockholm, Sweden.


90minutes.online will immediately take down the identified link from its website after receiving a notice that conforms with the notice processes outlined above. Notices shall be directed to and delivered to 90minutes.online as follows for purposes of this Agreement:

We at 90minutes.online have put a lot of effort into developing policies that guarantee adherence to Swedish law and produce a timely and accurate response to any complaints we may get. Please make sure that you adhere to all of the notice methods outlined above in order to move any complaint along as swiftly as possible.


Dec, 2022

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